Power of Attorney in Thailand

A Power of Attorney in Thailand is an effective legal tool for navigating a variety of personal, financial, and business transactions. Adhering to the applicable legal requirements and considerations is vital for ensuring its effectiveness. For instance, the law in Thailand rules that both the Grantor and the Agent must be in capacity and capable […]

Notary Public in Thailand

A Notary Public is a legal professional who authenticates signatures and documents. Notaries are especially important for individuals who are applying for immigration or sending documents abroad. In Thailand, only lawyers are authorized to act as Notary Public and must pass a specific license assessment by the Lawyers Council. Documents notarized by a Notary Public […]

Breach of Contract in Thailand

Contracts are the cornerstone of business transactions and legal relationships in Thailand, and as with most legal systems, breaches of contracts can lead to disputes. Understanding the legal framework, potential consequences and available remedies is essential to navigating this type of dispute efficiently. When informal methods like demand letters fail, litigation can be filed in […]

Personal Injury Claims in Thailand

Bringing personal injury claims in Thailand necessitates a thorough grasp of the legal system and prompt and experienced legal representation. Under Thai law anyone who wilfully or negligently injures another’s body, life, health, liberty, property, or rights is bound to compensate the victim for their losses. Generally speaking courts will seek to return the victim […]

Medical Malpractice in Thailand

Medical Malpractice in Thailand involves a healthcare professional’s failure to provide the accepted standard of care. It can result in injury or death. In general, courts in Thailand gravitate toward limiting compensation to quantifiable losses. This includes medical and recovery expenses. Damages awarded for intangible losses tend to be lower than in Western countries. Negligence […]