Personal Injury Claims in Thailand

Bringing personal injury claims in Thailand necessitates a thorough grasp of the legal system and prompt and experienced legal representation. Under Thai law anyone who wilfully or negligently injures another’s body, life, health, liberty, property, or rights is bound to compensate the victim for their losses. Generally speaking courts will seek to return the victim […]

Medical Malpractice in Thailand

Medical Malpractice in Thailand involves a healthcare professional’s failure to provide the accepted standard of care. It can result in injury or death. In general, courts in Thailand gravitate toward limiting compensation to quantifiable losses. This includes medical and recovery expenses. Damages awarded for intangible losses tend to be lower than in Western countries. Negligence […]

Dispute Resolution in Thailand

Out of court mediation is becoming more common in Thailand as it offers a less adversarial and cost effective approach to dispute resolution. A wide range of disputes are referred to the Thai Mediation Center. The practice is jointly helmed by Steven Burkill and Kay Kian Tan with specialisation in the transport, power and energy […]

Trade Disputes in Thailand

Trade disputes are an inevitable part of global commerce, and they can have significant commercial and diplomatic ramifications. However, by understanding the different resolution mechanisms and seeking professional guidance, businesses can minimize their impact. Alternative dispute resolution methods are generally quicker and more cost effective than litigation. These include negotiation and mediation. Negotiation In some […]

Labor Disputes in Thailand

Labor disputes in Thailand are governed by Thai law and various government agencies. Understanding these rules and regulations can help companies minimize the risk of legal problems and protect their reputation in the community. However, many migrant workers lack awareness about their rights and the availability of official complaint mechanisms. This is often attributed to […]